Ars Paradoxica (Podcast Series 2015) Poster

(2015 Podcast Series)

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1 Review
shyzz-7060231 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Came from Potterless, fist time listening to an audio drama and I couldn't be more satisfied with the experience. I really advise people to listen because it's a juicy series!!!

.The main character voice is so carismatic and funny, no need to push the relationship plot too much since it has so much content to engage on.

.Sometimes i felt a bit lost between either the person was "good" or "bad" but in the end it all comes to follow their beliefs, wich i think it was a good teaching.

.Don't want to spoiler too much, but "going rogue" builds up for a good plot twist

It was a pleasure to lose my audio drama podcast "virginity" to you, thank you and keep it up!

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