The Diplomat (TV Series 2023– ) Poster

(II) (2023– )

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462 Reviews
Solid Political Drama
Supermanfan-1325 May 2023
I have to admit that I wasn't planning on watching The Diplomat but after hearing so many great things about it and reading all the great reviews I thought I'd give it a chance. I'm so glad that I did because it was great. I'm actually surprised by how much I enjoyed it. I was hooked from the very first episode. Even though Keri Russell was great in The Americans I thought it was more about the writing than her acting so I wasn't really sure her and Rufus Sewell could carry a series as leads but they absolutely do, they both are fantastic here. The chemistry between those two is what makes this show so good. I could definitely see this series winning some awards.
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Looking forward to next season
Rob133119 May 2023
The Diplomat has everything you want in a great has comedy, drama, great acting and writing, etc, etc. The series is about a diplomat (Keri Russell) who has a new job as an ambassador to the United Kingdom after an international crisis happens when an aircraft carrier is attacked. She also has do deal with her husband (Rufus Sewell) who's already a political star and their rocky marriage. I liked this show so much I binged the entire eight episodes over the course of one weekend. It's been doing so good and it's been so well received that it's already gotten an early renewal for another season. I'll definitely be looking forward to watching that and seeing where this show goes.
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This is why you exist, Netflix
dl-5155024 April 2023
Keri Russell's performance here is nothing short of a revelation. Her characterization of American career diplomat Kate Wyler is a mesmerizing mash-up of strength, humor, intelligence, vulnerability and, oh my, sexiness. "The Diplomat" deftly caricatures the realm of international diplomacy and its denizens. And while the world hasn't yet descended to the chicanery of the storyline's plot, the wonderfully talented, diverse cast makes it easy to believe that most governments are overrun by people who never emotionally escaped middle school. This series looks good, sounds good, feels good -- it is sublimely fun and smart adult entertainment. All Netflix needs to do now is announce Season 2, and let Ms. Russell and company continue to work their magic.
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Well, what a treat!
ZinQ22 April 2023
I binge watched The Night Agent, thought it couldn't get much better than that, I was wrong. I loved every second of this series. So cerebral and fascinating. Everything you could wish for in a series. The characters and acting were first class. It was so great to see the delicious Rufus Sewell again, and what a part he played, never knowing what he will get up to next. Keri Russell was just magnificent as the ambassador. Played it to perfection. I also loved David Gyasi. All in all a wonderful series, a little short maybe, but well worth watching. The best political show since The West Wing. Excellent!
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Addicting & promising binge watch
Bluereviews4you22 April 2023
The characters are phenomenally written and all of them are an enigma to some degree. Their dialogue is fast paced and engaging, and the storyline keeps evolving in chaotic political directions.

It doesn't have a strong tone like other similar shows do. I want to compare it slightly to House of Cards but that doesn't fit the bill. It has a hint of Succession but again not a true fit. It felt similar to the Night Agent but wayyyy better.

I see reviews complaining about the lead and her disheveled appearance and abrasive behavior, but that's her hole thing! "You want people in power who don't *want* to be in power".

Kate is focused on the mission and cause at hand, where people's lives are hanging in the balance. What she's wearing, how she looks, and even when she sleeps all come second to the primary mission. She's good at her job so no one dwells about her decorum. I thought her style fit the narrative perfectly, and it was a refreshing change of pace.

The best part of the show is the relationships they all have with one another. It's rare I like all of the characters in a show but this one did it for me. Really hopeful we'll see a s2.
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I can't wait for the second season
paria-molayem22 April 2023
I just watched the 8th episode. The whole series was amazing. There was never a dull moment in it. It has intelligence, action, drama, good acting, human relationship complexity, fun,... It checked a lot of my boxes for a joyful series.

Characters are developed very nice and I am at the edge of my seat to see what happens to them.

The series ended on a huge cliff hanger and I am usually very mad that happens, but this one, I am just wishing for the next season. I really hope Netflix doesn't kill it like many other.

Plus, as an Iranian it was very interesting that some of the policies were about Iran.

Netflix, please, please, please bring the second season back early.
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Extraordinary and Intelligent.
jdberner20 April 2023
As hard to believe as it might seem, this series is also 'fresh'. It is truly original - it hasn't been done before. Midway through the first episode, something else of significance occurs, and somehow the makers of this drama managed to convince the people who make the trailers not to include it - or even allude to it. I am only midway through the second episode, but I can already tell you that this is not similar to other shows or books in the spy/suspense genre. It is also somewhat refreshing, because it isn't dominated by the sort of paranoia that bedevils Australians and others. The writing is deft; plot and dialogue flow together seamlessly. The acting is very, very credible.
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FINALLY - Quality on Netflix
oceans20021 April 2023
Finally, after embarrassing shows like Treason and The Night Agent, Netflix gets it right.

Beautifully filmed, absolutely perfect acting, intelligent, REALISTIC, and engaging. The script is incredibly well done, it's smooth and SMART. It's a real TV show. FINALLY. If you like empty, glitzy and shallow Hollywood "fluff", this isn't for you. This is a show that prides itself on intelligent dialogue and thought provoking scenarios and experiences. Watch annoying nonsense like Marvell TV shows with stupid explosions and mindless characters? Go right ahead. Leave great shows for the rest of us.

Watch it!
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Why so patronising?
pippa_smith21 May 2023
Take many US productions with a US protangist (politician, lawyer, socialite or in this case a field agent turned ambassador) and plop them into Britain and a patronising tone and conversation ensues. Sterotypical casting of a pixie like assistant, a straight-laced house manager and a goofy or inefficient 2IC being part of the team.

The location shooting was lovely. The ensemble cast good. The story however, has a few holes eg POTUS dropping in at the last minute, unannounced!

Keri Russell was fine as the impromptu ambassador with a devil may care attitude and tom boy swagger but the attempt of making her look ill-prepared and not groomed for the role shouldn't have needed the hairstyle of a preschooler having a bad day with a pair of scissors.

This is possibly one of the only performances by Rufus Sewell that I have enjoyed. His calculating maneuvers come across as being done in the shadows, without too much arrogance being displayed. Either way, the activities were implausible and illegal.

Other characters made you like and want to throw darts at them as the need arose.
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Please 🙏 🙏 do another season!!
kimmgould23 April 2023
This was so good I binged all 8 eps and started screaming in frustration at the tv when the last one ended. I would have happily sat and watched another 8 eps.

One of those rare gems where every character in the quality ensemble cast has a well-developed personality, where every plot twist, even the most complex, can be followed.

This is original, clever and really, really well made.

~~~~ Thats all I want to say but apparently I have to write 600 characters, which seems like a lot at this late time of night, especially after 8 hours solid of wonderful television when I really want to go and get some sleep.
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brainwerx-120 April 2023
I honestly had little hopes for this series. Mainly because American series, American actors (British actors), focusing on the American ambassador to the UK. However, I am pleasantly surprised. Rufus Sewell is his usual calm self that likes to be undermining the power structure. Keri Russell is good as the unwilling ambassador to the UK. Both seem to be well cast. As are all the others. Especially the Brits.

As I say, I'm pleasantly surprised 3 episodes in on how this is done. I prefer European shows to American ones as they tend to focus more on character development and are a bit more of a slow burn to a strong climax. American shows always want to move things along quickly. It's a pain. But this one seems to have struck a good balance.
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Pick an episode, any episode. They're all the same.
dedawson-8256128 April 2023
The premise: she's a career foreign service officer who gets an ambassadorship. Her husband is a former ambassador who is a loose cannon who makes life and work difficult for her. Whatever the situation, that's the story. In every episode the embassy staff has to deal with the couple's problems. So do intelligence officers, state department ministers, etc. Perhaps the story line will move forward. So far, the only thing that's moved forward is the severity of the combat between the ambassador and her husband. There are some laughs, but it starts getting tedious quickly. I don't know yet whether I have patience to find out.
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Refreshing and Funny
keikoyoshikawa21 April 2023
There's a moment, I think it was about mid-way through Season 1 of the series, that one of the sub-plots went slightly in a different direction than I had expected, and it was a good thing.

Otherwise, the dysfunctional relationships - both personal and professional - among the major characters somehow works and I like it. The writers did a good job of keeping the action tightly focused.

Both the characters and plots work. Sure, it's not very believable but it's fun and at times tense. "Madam Secretary" this is not; nor is it "Veep". And that's a very good thing.

I should also mention that the acting and dialogues are also quite good. The casting was well done. Are they believable? Again, no. But that's ok. Very fast I understood that this is a fantasy, not reality.

Netflix did a good job on this one. I'm really looking forward to Season 2. Please don't f--- it up.
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Looking forward to Season 2
johnschubert-9385425 April 2023
What I was expecting was not realized. I thought it would be a total drama much like The Americans with Keri Russell, which I thoroughly enjoyed. But instead it was not only a drama but was rich in humor as well. Keri Russell was magnificent in playing an Ambassador who is unfiltered when the position often requires constrain and filters. Her staff is constantly having to adapt to her. Rufus Sewell, her husband in the series, provides a balance but likewise provides moments of brilliant humor. The remaining cast including David Gyasi, Ali Ahn, Rory Kinnear, Ato Essando and others are exceptional. The only thing wrong with this series it was only 8 episodes. So, I am so looking forward to Season 2.
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Tremendous acting. Fun storyline.
dennisforbes21 April 2023
Absolutely top tier production and acting throughout. The screenplay is clever and interesting, engaging and well-paced. Character development is pretty robust, and the players aren't simple caricatures. Again and again a character at first appears to be one-dimensional, but then the story develops and they actually are much more complex than the first blush.

My only complaint is that some of the injected "romance" storylines are so ham-fisted and out of place they are disjointed and jarring. Professional situations that suddenly devolve into "I'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy" seemingly out of nowhere. Someone decided to soap opera the show up a bit and it does not improve the result.
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Must watch
jbro-335620 April 2023
This is a great drama series and supports the hope that as the world becomes more and more polarised there are still people that can see that diplomacy and common sense can still exist.

The characters are well-developed, highly likeable particularly Eidra Graham who is as dry as a desert, Atto Essandoh who plays the role perfectly and Rufus is a tour de force as someone that you both want to punch, hug and laugh all in the space of 5 minutes.

I feel a little sorry for Kate Wyler who smashes her role but is still not quite Tea Leoni in Madom Secretary.

I found myself laughing out loud and genuinely really enjoyed it the show is very well written, has high production values and has solid acting performances.

The only hole is the spouse of the US Ambdadocy not having half a dozen Secret Service agents with them at all times is not thought just wouldn't happen.

Watch it 100% worth it.
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Diplomacy for Dummies
kaideneve24 April 2023
Diplomat is a fairly formulaic and unremarkable political thriller. Is it entertaining? I would say yes, if you can move past the unfeasible dialogue and the one-dimensional acting by the main actress, who is about as 'diplomatic' as your grumpy old crusty uncle on Thanksgiving. No offense to Russell who is an accomplished actress, but it seems like she was just told to look constantly peeved throughout the duration of this series. You'd think that being amiable and well-spoken would be essential qualities for a diplomat, but apparently here you just need to swear like a pirate, forget being clever or charming. Some of the dialogue is funny though, particularly well-delivered by Sewell.

The plot is fairly contrived, really more about the dramatic personal conflict between the ambassador and her husband with a side of political intrigue. It's like a soap opera masquerading as a suspense thriller. There are some decent twists and turns, but nothing to write home about. Diplomat is generally more light-hearted as opposed to intense.

Reviewing this a week after release, and you can see that it has been heavily brigaded by an army of overly-positive 10 star reviews while critical reviews have been massively downvoted. There is no way that this series is over an 8, maybe a solid 7. Decent for a weekend binge though.
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Outstanding political drama
yooniverse23 April 2023
What a surprise! Intelligent dialogs, engaging plot, and the right amount of humor. I really appreciate that a political drama can manage to leave the Republican/Democrat, left/right labels out of the dialog and avoid taking cheap onscreen political shots that won't age well. I dare say, from what I have watched so far, this is on par with the best of The West Wing, without the occasional partisanship or sanctimonious virtue signaling.

The screenplay incorporates current state of world politics in meaningful and timely ways, as a crisis spirals and diplomacy's "sausage making" comes into play. Whether it's realistic or not who knows, but it's certainly very entertaining to watch the complexity (and humor) of the interaction between two of the world's greatest allies.

The acting is superb, especially Keri Russell, Rufus Sewell and David Gyasi, but really, everyone all around. The chemistry is outstanding and natural, without the usual early stiffness and awkwardness that gets ironed out over a few episodes.

The only nit is that I wish they wouldn't use profanity so much. There are places in the script where it's called for to great effect, but much of the time it's just too casual.

Unfortunately, there is another lesser show with the same title that was released just weeks prior that could lead to some confusion. It's coincidental, but hopefully, no one is missing out on this gem as a result.
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"The new West Wing"?! What were you drinking?!
LostKaleb2 May 2023
Let me just start this off by saying that maybe the problem was in the way this was sold: the heir to the throne of the great political dramas West Wing and House of Cards.

What a let down, particularly with the pilot episode. The show has zero subtlety, the plots are simple minded and far fetched at the same time and it just wants to do everything, everywhere all at once. We end up with a poorly written mix of 24, Grey's Anatomy and Designated Survivor.

The relationships aren't believable (although the actors do their very best to make them so), the political plotlines aren't believable, all of it is flimsy as hell.

Of course it has that addictive nature that I believe stems from how the episodes are built and how good the actor are, but, much like poor crack, you're doing it while feeling bad about it.

Summing it up, it's a wannabe attempt at recreating something that has already been done far too better.

Gave it 6 because the acting is in fact quite good in most cases. But just that.
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Madam Secretary in many ways, but less serious
johns-6821 April 2023
Don't judge by the first episode. They were just finding their way. This series is very good, with lots of twists and turns, even humor. And may get even better in the second season. At times the writers seem unsure if they are going for The West Wing, or VEEP. We will see which side wins in the second season I am very hopeful that The Diplomat season #2 gets a green light.

One thing concerns me. This is a very well produced piece of television. Many of the exteriors are shot in the UK. But there are sone obvious key shots where studio scenes were keyed over exterior shots from the UK. The production values are extremely high. 2024 could be a tough year for expensive television.
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Wild fun once you forget that this is remotely realistic
yashrajsarrof22 September 2023
Political shows are hard to do well. There is loads of media about the military, the police, the spy network but minimal bits of information on how diplomacy works. However the depiction in this show still manages to feel outlandish. Plus there is way too many complicated relationships going on that often dominates the plot and the political conversations simply serve as a backdrop for a couples therapy session. Therfore although "The Diplomat" is decent popcorn entertainment, there isn't a lot of memorable moments that will make one revisit the show. Keri Russell does a fine job, but it's Rufus Sewell who just steals the scene everyone he is on.
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More of the same
jallen-9765925 April 2023
A show by women for women? Not sure who the target audience is, but this show definitely carries the Message. The female characters are tired, frustrated and emotionally distraught over their constant oppression at the hands of the white male characters. The Ambassador is so over it that she quit washing her hair and started turning violent and physically assaulting her spouse. To make things worse, the women have the additional and unwanted burden of cleaning up the global catastrophes caused by these incompetent white men. Like most shows these days, a little effort could have gone a long way, but they took the easy road and just mashed something together that checked all of the social justice, gender politics and inclusiveness boxes.
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Snappy dialogue and a great cast
pauljonasdesign20 April 2023
I thought this was a great start. Seen first two episodes. The dialogue really is snappy and had me laughing. Liked all the cast. It's to me like a mix of the West Wing and a political thriller. Great cast and good central characters, great settings in London.

To me it doesn't have to be all car chases and machine guns. It has some twists so far. So keeps me interested. I love shows with a bit of gritty language dropped in by powerful clever people trying to work to hold the world together and not just focussed on the usual 'baddies'. Liked the fact the woman is the diplomat and her husband an ex diplomat. The staff around them all great. British politicians played by great actors too and are not stereotypes.
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Not to be taken seriously
peterrichboy21 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure under what category I would put The Diplomat under? I would say political comedy drama. The show starts when a Royal Navy aircraft carrier is attacked and 41 crew are killed. The British suspect it's from the Middle East while the newly arrived American ambassador played by a slightly over the top Keri Russel who mange's to appear in every scene like she has been dragged through a bush backwards (as I said do not take this to seriously!) has reason to believe the Russians are behind the attack.

What follows is the ambassador desperately trying to avoid a war with Iran and keeping the special relationship between the USA and UK.

Of course no political drama would be complete without extra marital affairs. The script is so fast it's a wonder the actors get time to draw breathe. And I particularly enjoyed Rory Kenneir as the UK prime minister, hell bent on blowing something up in retaliation!

As always with Netflix the production is top draw, with some stunning scenery, country estates and some great aerial shots of the American Embassy.

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The screenplay is stunning
soneagu22 April 2023
I watched tons of great movies and series and still try to figure if I have seen a series that twirls in a flowing manner a very fun witty dialogue with very tough political approach of tough events (in this case, actually, the events are the scary ones that we are living right now, with a nuclear war being closer and closer any second) as this one does. Keri is a bonus, her acting being once again above any reproach. Prepare to laugh with all your heart, strangely enough, amid a tension difficult to bear. The screenplay is absolutely superb, so watching it there is a big chance you'll have an extremely enjoyable experience!
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