Kaderimin Oyunu (TV Series 2021–2022) Poster


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Interesting story line...rating changed from 9 to a 4 due to ending.
tempresident21 March 2022
Initially the story started slow but somehow I couldn't stop watching. As the show progressed it became more and more interesting. There was a time where I thought the progression was too slow, but it has now changed.

One's emotions fluctuate with this story, from liking someone to hating the same person to liking them again etc. Actually very good depiction of the fact that people have flaws and faults and how they ultimately react and change is a reflection on their real character.

Helen for instance I liked in the beginning and felt sorry for her. But as things came to light and seeing her mean-spirited behaviour and real character, made her extremely dislikable. Cemal, whom I disliked, became much loved.

In the beginning of the series I thought it doesn't make good use of Akin Akinözü's talent but it is slowly changing. I hope the series continues a bit longer and that the ratings pick up. There's more to explore here.

And then the writers didn't surprise with the ending...true to Turkish melancholy, it ends bad. Why don't you give viewers an escape form reality? Would it kill Turkish writers to satisfy viewers with a happy ending?

Think this might have been my last Turkish series I've watched. I watch movies and series to escape reality a bit...wanting a feel good ending...no such luck with turkish series. Therefore my rating changes from a 9 to a 4.
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Not the worst, but just as bad as others
juneb-2089824 April 2022
Story of continuous lies and deceit, male domination and female submission. Story of an egoist man, a weak woman, the weak woman and her family taking advantage of another weak man, and an actor whose acting skills ressembles that of a fish taken out of the waters. That's just it. Nothing really very interesting, more of annoying characters like most every other turkish series.

I'm confused if Cemal - the lead male character is a protagonist as he seemed to me more of an antagonist to be hated, with his antagonistic demeanor and character in the series. The lead female character is also annoyingly stupid with the same sluggard sullied acting much like in her other tv series. The main formula of this series is entirely the same as most turkish TV series = that is, to annoy and instill anger to the viewers.
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Wish you've never watched it.
breezegarcia11 June 2022
Unbelievable story and coincidences, casting is not that good too. Main actors are annoying.

Very bad acting, more like over over over, can I add one more over, acting from the main male character - Cemal, who keeps on huffing, puffing, fidgeting, and the whole facial circus that probably he thought is a good acting skill, whilst Asiye's acting is lethargic, just like in her most other tv series.

With the flow of the story, watching them one would much sympathize with the antagonists rather than with the protagonists. I'm actually confused on who are the protagonists and the antagonists in this series.

I won't recommend watching it tbh.
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Super splendid
makropoulouk18 December 2021
Probably the best I have ever seen. Emotions change from sorrow to anger and then back .all actors are super but the girl playing Nargis deserves an unstoppable applause. Two hours of episode and still you don't want it to end .loved it.
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Story line was good
lizzeelike12 May 2022
It started with suspension, drama. But after 12 episodes, it seems watching same things. No progress of story. I started watching series just for Akin(Cemal - the lead Male actor). But very very disappointed with Cemal's sefish character. He is not leaving his 2nd wife and also dominating his 1st wife. It could be much more better...
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nazek-alamery26 December 2021
The story line and the scenes are well demonstrated .. the actors as well were well chosen especially Narjis Jamal's daughter she fits the character so well I'm in love with acting she is obviously talented .. Akin and Oyku certainly owns everyone hearts I hope they will end up together without traumatizing Mahir he is such a gentleman.
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Hoping for a better season 2/cancellation
candybycbcb19 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It is good but has too many overdramatized pauses. Asyie needs to let go of Camel and make him suffer for all the years she had to. She should give Mahir a chance because honestly he really doesn't gain form hosting them in his home and going against the law. The daughter oftentimes got on my nerves too she needs to be more grateful towards Mahir for protecting them instead of risking her mom's freedom. All because her dad keeps proving to be the bum beat that her and her mother already know him to be. (Update: I forced myself to finish the season in hopes of a good ending and needless to say I have developed high blood pressure. I CANNOT possibly believe the maggots that Asyie has for brain cells that would cause her to get back with Cemal after all those dreadful years and a murder. In a alternate universe I hope he cheats on her again and leaves her to watch Mahir be the man she deserved and more. And might I add Mahir babymama's pregnancy was so random and unnecessary but anything to further make the finale not make sense. The writing in this show was so bad I began to conjure evil thoughts such as believing that the daughter deserved to be jailed just because of how annoying she had become at times. I also believe that Cemal deserved every bit of evil Helin and maybe even more for all the acts he had committed without fault.)
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anya anya
tamtabitskinashvili4 January 2022
This is such a powerful story, I almost cried while watching, The chemistry, the passion, the kiss... Oh my god, they are so perfect!

No matter how many times I see this it always gets to me and I think we all can agree that akin akinozu is phenomenal actor.
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reditaye6 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The worst movie I have ever seen. It is so obviously misogynistic. The movie only showed good memories but not how Asie suffered by Jemal leaving her with two kids for like 7 years. She just forgave him after he cheated on her and started his life of his own. The only person that didn't suffer at all was Jemal and the only person that got a happy ending was also him. Asie and Jemal played on helin behind her back but they made her look crazy when jemal left her. I would never recommend this movie to anyone. I wish I never saw it. The writer of this movie should be banned from writing any movie ever again.
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Watch for the actors
ashajacob-1021610 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The actors are superb. Story wise, it has all the ingredients; slander, blackmail, murder, cheating, two-timing, trauma and what not.

The hero of the series cannot be called a protagonist, he's more of an antagonist. There is no redeeming factor in him till the end. He gets away with everything, be it two-timing,misogyny among other things. It's almost like he has two women in his life; one is blindly in love with him enough to turn a blind eye to the trauma he's caused in her and their kid's life and the other one is obsessed that she's ready to do anything to having him at all costs. I couldn't understand what these women saw in him. The way the hero is shown, there is no way any of these women should forgive him. Now comes his children. The daughter who has seen him leave her mother on the day of her brother's birth and have seen her mother's struggles to give them a decent life is shown to forgive him quicker than anticipated. I don't know if something was missed in the translation as Turkish is not my first language; I did not understand what the father did that she forgave him so quickly. Her brother though was more convincing and mature for a 7 year old, to not accept his father till the end. The daughter who faced trauma being part of molestation and murder is never seen to have nightmares or mental trauma about what she went through. It was a pleasure to watch Mahir who was selfless to help Asiye and kids all through her struggles deserved much more love and respect.

Asiye deserved a happy ending after th struggles and anguish she went through. Surprisingly, the less deserving Cemal got happy ending being with his kids as he wished for. His ex-wife who had turned psycho deserved to be in prison for having a part in Asiye's death!. I was not happy how Mahir was treated by Nergis most of the time, she very rarely appreciated him. Cemal was the toxic hero who got away with his misogynistic behaviors. I wished Asiye was not this laid back and maybe a little more logical. Over all the show is a good watch which doen't bore you at all.

This show should have been called Game of coincidence than Game of destiny. If Cemal never came across Asiye and kids by coincidence, he would've happily lived the rich life he wanted with Helen and Ahmet without even thinking of his first wife and kids. He never even thought of looking into his kid's life in the 7 years he was apart. He knew his wife and kids lived a poor life and his wife was not educated enough to get her a great paying job. Cemal left them without giving any thought to how they would make a living. He was pathetic till the end.
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Love the series
gracialikosso18 December 2021
The actors are amazing story line love it shows what happens in reality i can't wait for more much love 10/10.i don't want to end so excited for the next international fan love Turkish drama.
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the best
aichabouchareb11 May 2022
I adore this serie its amazing... I hope that its gonna be more series that had an wonderful story like this. I just didnt like the character of nargis when i see her every time i get mad lol maybe because she still little girl.
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it is a superb show but...
geeakyol2 November 2022
If you can somehow believe in the coincidences, it makes a great and very exciting show to watch. The first episode is a bit slow but be patient. After the 2nd episode, the excitement just picks up tremendously.

The dynamics of the situations the protagonists are in is simply amazing.

It will keep you at the edge of your seat.

Acting is excellent. Especially watch out "Zahide". She is phenomenal.

The only weak part of the story is that quite a few coincidences occur, which are not very realistic. However, if you can somehow accept those as the only shortcomings of the story, you are in for a very entertaining series.
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The very best series
ejoseph-0007620 April 2023
This is the best series I have watched. I've rewatched 3 times so far. It takes you on a roller coaster of emotions. Episodes 23-26 are excellent. I cried every time. The series is not a fairytale. It's things that can happen in real life. One stupid decision can have far reaching and fatal consequences. Akin's acting is superb. The girl that plays Nergis is excellent. A lot of people have a problem with the ending, but not me. The series translate in English: the game of my destiny for a reason. Even though Cemal loves Asiye, his stupid mistake has consequences for his entire family and destroys many lives including his own, losing the love of his life.
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