160 Reviews
actually entertaining
cocoshell4 March 2005
"After the sunset" is surely not a demanding film...and none of us expected to be one. Take Pierce Brosnan - a great showman and a guy with asense of humor, add sexy as she's ever been Salma Hayek, add Woody Harrelson in good form, top it off with decent screenplay that does not take itself too seriously or risk falling into pretentious or shallow territory and you have yourself a very entertaining little piece of movie-making. There's not much to discuss about After the sunset. It has a lot of funny moments, at times it's silly and implausible but you don't really have time to think about that. It's without doubt not the best movie Pierce, Salma or Woody have made, but it's far from the worst either. If you're looking for an hour and a half of casual entertainment with solid performances, script and directing go see it...you'll feel pretty good after you do :)
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Lightweight fun
Laakbaar21 May 2012
This is a light, happy-go-lucky movie set mostly on Nassau in the Bahamas. Meet Max and Lola, two diamond thieves who have retired to this idyllic location to spend their loot. The problem is Stan, a shambolic, rather wild-eyed FBI agent who has been outwitted by them for years. Not content with letting them enjoy their retirement, he shows up on their (beachfront) doorstep and proceeds to lure them into another big heist. Lola's content with watching sunsets, but Max still has the bug. Will he take the bait? Complications arise because of the involvement of two locals: beautiful cop Sophie and bad guy Henri Mooré.

This movie was enjoyable enough as summer television-like movie, but it doesn't go much deeper than that. There's not a lot of realism and art here. It was like a television movie.

I don't know what makes television movies different from regular movies. Is it the writing? The plot development? The acting? They have a certain cliché nature, don't they? At times this movie definitely had the cheesiness and artificiality of television shows like the Love Boat and To Catch a Thief. That's not necessarily a bad thing. A lot of people love that kind of thing. It's not too demanding. And it's fun. People were laughing.

I suppose part of the problem for me was, well, Pierce Brosnan and Woody Harrelson. I just couldn't see these two with Salma Hayek and Naomie Harris, respectively. Isn't the age difference a little too much? Is it wrong for me to point out that -- unlike the women they were with -- these two were (by 2004) no longer hot enough to generate heat in their love scenes?

I have seen these two actors deliver outstanding performances. They are strong enough to pull off a film like this in their sleep. However, I am just not interested in them enough to spend two hours watching their buddy antics (drinking, fishing, even in bed). They are not lovable fun characters to me, although I think that's the effect the director was trying to achieve. These scenes were too forced. I saw no buddy chemistry.

There was a good deal of wise-cracking (eg "I knew that when I married you. I knew that when I divorced you!") and slapstick (eg Stan gets hit in the head by a trombone.) The scuba scenes and the cruise ship scenes at the end were not believable, not that I think this movie's intended audience would care about that. It's all meant to be part of the fun.

The person I was with walked out of the film halfway through. I thought it was OK. I mean, I didn't hate it.
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snow0r2 June 2006
After the Sunset sees Pierce Brosnan play an ex-jewel thief in a simple "will the old pro come out of retirement for one last job" movie that is far more entertaining than its unoriginal premise sounds.

Pierce Brosnan takes to his dressed-down James Bond role very well, and the jokes and his style make him a very likable character. Woody Harrelson, the rival FBI agent, puts in a similarly enjoyable performance, and his inept bumblings around the island create some unexpected comic situations between the cop and the thief. It's the relationship between these two (and the compromising situations they find themselves in) that makes the film, as they antagonize each other and almost become buddies toward the end. Their encounters add something fresh and unexpected to the movie's simple formula and make it really entertaining.

Oh, and special mentions have to go out for Don Cheadle and Salma Hayek. Don's character is very funny, and he plays both sides of it well, and as for Salma...let's just say the directors are aware of what their male audience wants to see.

All in all, it's funny, quick, easy to follow, and contains enough little quirks to make After the Sunset an enjoyable and entertaining experience.
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Well acted entertaining thriller without style
falcon13516 January 2005
This is a somewhat entertaining cat and mouse thriller with Brosnan, Hayek and Harrelson at the top of their game. The film starts out promisingly enough with a diamond heist which is more slapstick than suspenseful.

After the heist Harrelson follows the pair to an island where he believes they plan another big job. As the two male characters get more closely acquainted throughout the film we start to wonder who's tricking who.

Brosnan displays rare emotion in this film. Harrelson escapes his Cheers role by excellently portraying the many sides of what would have been a simple character.Hayek doesn't miss a chance to show off her body, and Don Cheadle's villain was superb. The only problem with that character was that we didn't see enough of him.

The film has some nice scenery and entertaining scenes, particularly the shark capture.Rush hour director Ratner has made a great film, which only really lacks style and good pacing. this film would have been better handled in the reins of, say, Steven Soderbergh.

But nonetheless, a very funny enjoyable film which will please fans of the cast and crew, as well as the movie-going public. It's not up to the standard of Oceans's eleven yet it beats the likes of Ocean's 12. Any fan of the comedy/thriller genre should go see this film, but I will be looking more forward to Rush Hour 3.
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After the Sunset
jboothmillard5 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
From Rush Hour director Brett Ratner, this is like unofficial James Bond mixed with Entrapment, and it almost works. Basically retired ex-con thief Max Burdett (Pierce Brosnan) with his girlfriend and partner Lola Cirillo (Salma Hayek) have quit to live in paradise, but it isn't to last. When Max hears of a priceless diamond on a ship passing through, he is intrigued by the opportunity. But his old nemesis, fed Stan Lloyd (Woody Harrelson) is around to try and catch him in the act, while hanging out with his partner and fancy Sophie (Pirates of the Caribbean's Naomie Harris). Keeping an eye on both Max is also the guy that tempted him in the first place, Henri Mooré (Don Cheadle). The only thing Max doesn't know is that he is not stealing the diamond for himself or Henri, and someone that he least suspected planned to take it all along. Also starring Reservoir Dogs' Chris Penn as Rowdy Fan. Good!
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A good time passer
abarsby3 January 2005
A movie with the great Pierce Brosnan can't go wrong really, everything he does, he makes look effortlessly cool.

The story about the diamond heist though, seems secondary to the beautiful locations, and Brett Ratner's obcession with filming Miss Hayek's chest from all conceivable angles (not necessarily a bad thing). Although Hayek is SO botoxed that she can barely move her facial muscles to express any kind of emotion.

Woody Harrelson and Brosnan make a really funny team, and if they make a sequel, I hope it concentrates on their two characters, because they have a great screen chemistry.
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Salma displays her hot body in some very sexy outfits
Nazi_Fighter_David21 May 2007
The Seven Seas Navigator is docking in Paradise Island in the Bahamas for a solid week…They're having a nice promotion for the maiden voyage, calling it the Diamond Cruise: a gem exhibit whose star attraction is the third Napoleon Diamond… It's, allegedly, the only priceless remaining 'cute little rock' Max Burdett and Lola Cirillo haven't stolen…

The unlocking Special Agent Stan Lloyd of the FBI (Woody Harrelson) suspects that the two are planning to purloin it… But how could they with six cameras plus 24-hour rotating guards, unbreakable polycarbonate display?

Max (Pierce Brosnan) knows he can easily clip Napoleon III and make Lloyd look like a jerk again… For him, it's more about the challenge and the alibi—that's his work of art… But he affirms that the two are a couple of retirees trying to enjoy the island life…

The gorgeous Lola (Salma Hayek) knows that, with Max, they went out at the top of their game, undefeated… They were great together… But, now, she feels it is the best time to quit… For her, now, the challenge is to find joy in simple things, as a life filled with sunsets…

Lloyd was chasing Max for seven years—ever since the first Napoleon Diamond went missing… That day, he got to the scene, and took a few shots at the getaway car… Next day, a bottle of champagne arrives at FBI Headquarters with a note saying, "Aim for the tires next time."

In the island, Lloyd teams up with the beautiful Sophie (Naomie Harris) a local intriguing cop who requires a big arrest…

On the scene also appears Henri Mooré (Don Cheadle)—the biggest gangster on the island—who affirms to Max that the impoverished people of the island need his help, and that a cash injection in tens of millions of dollars would relieve the entire Caribbean… So, he suggests to Max a partnership… He would give him what he doesn't have: access to the marina, the crews, rotation schedules, whatever he needs…

With picturesque sunsets, this colorful caper comedy has plenty of beauty, fun and humor
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An enjoyable movie with some good action scenes
the-movie-guy10 November 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Max Burdett (Pierce Brosnan) is a master jewel thief who has been credited with stealing two of the three Napoleon diamonds. He has now retired to the Bahamas, with his accomplice and lover Lola (Salma Hayek). Years earlier, Max made an enemy when he stole the second diamond from Stan Lloyd (Woody Harrelson), an FBI agent who was delivering the diamond to the museum. Stan was humiliated by the thief, and wants to put Max behind bars.

Stan believes that Max wants to steal the last remaining diamond, before he really retires. The third Napoleon diamond is going to be displayed aboard a cruise ship heading for the Bahamas. This may be Stan's last chance to catch Max stealing the jewel. Stan joins forces with Sophie (Naomie Harris), an island police detective, to help in catching Max. I enjoyed the movie, and it will keep your attention to the end. Of course, Max performed some 007 type scenes in the movie while stealing the jewels. There is somewhat of a surprise ending. (New Line Cinema, Run time 1:40, Rated PG-13) (8/10)
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Great views of Salma!
jotix10025 December 2004
Someone commenting in these pages put it better when he said that we could rehash this film, analyze it, and make it into what it was not intended to be, but the fact remains that if we had a pleasant time while we were watching, it was well worth the price of admission.

Director Brett Ratner seems to be having great fun directing the movie. He was lucky to get the genius of Dante Spinetti's cinematography to create a movie that is entertaining with great locations. It's a good excuse, as any, to spend time in the theater. While Mr. Ratner is not breaking new ground in this genre, he makes "After the Sunset" fun to watch.

Pierce Brosnan is his usually suave self. His take on Max is to play it with an economy of gestures, as though he is bored by being told what to do. Salma Hayek, on the other hand, adds a beautiful presence to the proceedings without being too obvious. Woody Harrelson is a goofy FBI agent. Heaven help us if they ever are this dumb! Don Cheadle doesn't have much to do, as his character looks as though he was an after thought.

Just pretend you are on vacation in the Bahamas. Nassau never looked this good before!
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Plain and Simple, But Really Entertaining.
lourensini30 March 2012
One of the simplest heists i've have ever seen on a movie. So simple story doesn't even care that much about the robbery itself and spend more time working on characters personalities and relationships. You don't have to think too much to understand the plot. So you can watch it while ur playing guitar that you still won't miss the point. And since robbery movies are usually complex and involves lots of details, it became a little confuse for me to rate it... but, as i've watched it in a moment i wasn't looking for complexity, i believe it worth 6/10.

But of course i can't rate a movie just by my mood on that moment.

And what i think that we should have was more max/stan scenes, cuz they were amazing acting together and really funny. Mainly for their bed scene. Producers and writers did a good job on funny scenes on this movie. But if they're great acting together, doesn't mean they overall acting is so good. for a Pirce Brosnan movie, really didn't see anything that good, neither from him or any other actor.

Another issue is Salma Heyek. Yeah, she's hot (a lot), but his character is too much exaggerated. Hot thief girls are one of the biggest clichés on cinema. Boring.

Photography is nice and clear and represent well a paradise location. I haven't payed much attention on soundtrack, so i can't opine.

After the sunset ain't no brilliant heist movie, if you wanna something brilliant and complex, look for Leverage... If you want something to entertain your lonely afternoon, watch this.
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Enjoyable Heist Film
christian12327 November 2004
Pierce Brosnan and Salma Hayek are a pair of diamond thieves fighting an endless cat and mouse game with an FBI agent (Woody Harrelson) until they decide to retire and move down to the Bahamas. When a cruise ship arrives carrying a priceless diamond, the chase begins anew.

After the Sunset is a pretty ordinary movie with some entertaining moments and a lot of gorgeous scenery. It won't challenge the viewer at all but it will offer a pretty enjoyable ride. The premise is fairly simple and it is nothing really new. Brett Ratner keeps things easy and safe as he moves the film at a nice pace. The opening scene is pretty funny and nicely done. The middle is also pretty good yet a little dull while the ending is just plain disappointing. I was expecting a nice payoff but the ending was so simple. This didn't ruin the movie but it doesn't warrant a viewing either.

The acting is pretty good and there are a few characters that keep the film interesting. Pierce Brosnan stars as Max and he gives a good performance. He sometimes looked a little tired but he usually seemed to be having fun. Woody Harrelson is great as the FBI agent and he looks to be having a great time. Salma Hayek offers great eye candy and a decent performance. She doesn't really do anything special except look very beautiful. Don Cheadle gives an okay performance though he doesn't get a lot of screen time.

There are a few reasons why After the Sunset would make for a good rental. First, the scenery looks great and eye candy never hurts. Second, the chemistry between Brosnan and Harrelson is surprisingly good and it is fun to watch them on screen. Third, those looking for some escapist fun should find it with this film. Last but not least, Salma Hayek looks amazing. I would have preferred a little more substance but the movie proved to be entertaining. In the end, After the Sunset isn't worth checking out in theaters but it could make for a decent rental. Rating 6/10
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a gem on the rental rack!
masschaos2 April 2005
This movie was a pleasant shock, because it wasn't typical high octane adrenaline-pumping Pierce Brosnan action flick of recent memory! The action was more subdued and less far-fetched as a typical Brosnan movie. I laughed my butt off in parts, and the cast pulled off their roles in a badass-yet-comical way!

Salma Hayek adds some necessary female steam in this otherwise masculine tale! As always Pierce Brosnan delivers a wonderful performance helping to make this movie a real delight!

I can't tell you much more about the movie without spoiling scenes, so, see this movie; it's worth the whatever price you pay.
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What I Thought Of After The Sunset
TeenSteele6 November 2004
After The Sunset is officially my favorite movie now. I just saw a special sneak preview of it, and, believe it or not, I'm going to watch it again when it actually opens next weekend! The acting is just great, and the chemistry between Hayek and Brosnan is beautiful. They just get along so well, and you would actually believe that they're seeing each other apart from the movie is how well it is. Harrelson is a great FBI agent gone mad. Not really mad in a sense that he's insane, but mad with the fact that he has to catch Max(Brosnan) because he's been chasing him for so long. Then there is the tension between Sophie(Harris) and Lloyd(Harrelson). He wants to catch Max so badly that he partners up with Sophie, a local cop who wants to make a big arrest. Their chemistry is very subdued and very subtle. We can see that he does in fact like her, yet she keeps refusing him(not rejecting him though). The reason I like this movie is because it provides some real entertainment that is hard to find these days in movies. This movie you might put on the lines as a sort of Ocean's 11 or that sort, but really, once you watch it, you'll find it to be quite different.
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Waste of time
sanshan30 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is an absolute waste of time. As in all bad heist movies, the actual heist is all of 10 minutes. The cast has big names, however, Don Cheadle is wasted in a meaningless role that does not contribute to the film. Woody Harrelson's character of a cop is a mockery to the actor's potential. Well, Salma Hayek's curves are eye candy, however, does not justify having to sit thru this travesty of a film. If salma is the reason, you can always hire From Dusk to Dawn again and again. Pierce Brosnan sleepwalks to the role that he has essayed many times before ---a smooth, slick operator who has thought of everything and for whom things fall into place as if my magic. There is a force fed twist in the end, but its so plastic that it ain't funny. Guys, please don't waste rental money on this one.
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Is The Tone Right?
gcrokus14 November 2004
Opening with a scene at a professional basketball game, we quickly find, as do observing FBI agents, that we've been had. The die is cast; 'After the Sunset' will provide a series of feints and jabs, dodges and weavings that will prove to be less edifying than some great jewel heist films of the past. But we still are treated to enough satisfying moments to say this is a pretty good film.

Max Burdett (Pierce Brosnan) and his girlfriend Lola Cirillo (Salma Hayek) are in retirement, having stepped down from the ranks of the international jewel thief set, and are enjoying the good life in the Bahamas. Woody Harrelson (as FBI agent Stan Lloyd) has appeared on the scene; he is less sure they have retired and with the arrival in port of a ship-borne display of jewels (featuring 'The Third Napoleon Diamond' in the collection) has them under close watch.

Agent Lloyd has always been thwarted in capturing Max and Lola; this is personal. How the characters play against each other (various local officials become interested and ultimately involved as well) as the clock ticks (the ship is due to leave soon) elevates our interest. Don Cheadle (local crime boss Kingpin) is a key figure among the Bahamians with influence on the outcome.

Jewel heist in paradise. That might be a working title for a script which would become the film 'After the Sunset'. Writer Paul Zbyszewski (previous experience on TV's 'The Weakest Link') has fashioned a reasonably believable story line (see Roger Ebert for discussion of plot holes - http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20041111/REVIEWS/41006006/1023) involving electro-technical moments, great use of locations, wry humor (Woody Harrelson does go over the top in some mugging moments, but overall is quite engaging), and certainly deserves another opportunity to develop a script.

A killer cast of capable actors is expected to deliver and does. No doubt the script could have been terser, the lines more memorable or the plot more believable. We don't get all of the sheer class of the recent 'Ocean's Eleven', the raw energy of 'The Italian Job' or the gut laughs of 'Team America: World Police'. But Salma Hayek works her minimal exposure maximally (her physical charms alone are arresting), Brosnan is an interesting study in this a more laid back role than we are accustomed to seeing from him and Don Cheadle proves again he can do anything, including portray what for all intents is a gangster.

In an interview on the set of the film in January, director Brett Ratner notes about how he saw this as more a 'character-driven movie' and not just a 'big action heist'. He further notes that in taking on the task of balancing all the elements – comedy, action/adventure, drama - 'It's more of a challenge for me. Can I do a movie like this and get the tone right? If it's too broad, you don't care about the characters. If it's too serious, it's just a dramatic film and you then don't care.' (http://www.joblo.com/index.php?id=3457)

'After The Sunset' is one of those films you just want to work and because you do redemption is sought in what probably are the small things. This jewel heist caper is a little above the cut of customary plex fare, and the nearly full theater of attentive viewers speaks to the dearth of just plain old decent films at the moment. We were not disappointed, and maybe agree the director CAN do a film like this.

Rating: 2- ¾ stars.
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A Light-hearted, entertaining movie that appeals to your sense of adventure. Fun to watch
lteag19 November 2009
First of all, this movie is not to be taken seriously. A plot about a heist that has been done before -- especially with Pierce Brosnan as a likable, stylish, master-thief protagonist (think the Thomas Crown Affair). This is done in a much more comic, lighthearted style that "TCA" was. Contained a plot twist that I admit I did not see coming. The reason that it was rated well, but not outstandingly was because the genre of movie has been done before. The details and obstacles of the heist have changed, but follows a format of these types of movies seen again and again: The Thomas Crown Affair, Ocean's Eleven, the Italian Job, Gone in 60 Seconds, etc. This movie was quite entertaining and worth watching as all of those previously mentioned were, just without much in terms of creatively straying from the formula. I think that the casting worked, too. Woody Harrelson and Pierce Brosnan were excellently cast in this protagonist/antagonist relationship.
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Great Entertainment
kevan7506 April 2006
A nice, amusing & reasonably well acted and written film.

Humorous and pacey with a few simple to spot twists (if your paying attention). A good film, well worth watching but not too demanding. Perfect for a relaxed afternoon with a cold one or a low effort evenings viewing! Pierce Brosnan & Woody Harleson work very well together an unlikely double act! The film is set in Nassau, and the beautiful scenes around the beach and hotels are fantastic. I'm now planning how I can get there myself and get a tan on the fantastic beaches which are heavily featured in the film.

I enjoyed it very much!
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Welcome to Paradise
movie_nut19913 July 2006
I have to say, this movie was pretty darn good. It proves that Pierce Brosnan still has it in him. Congratulations! After the Sunset has some good actors in it, all of whom played their roles satisfyingly. Pierce Brosnan, Woody Harrelson, Salma Hayek, and Naomi Harris all did fantastically. Ohh, I almost forgot, Don Cheadle is in it as well. He always does great.

Along with being a crime type movie, it was also pretty funny. It had a few good crack-up lines, mostly from Woody Harrelson, but, maybe one or two from Brosnan. I laughed a fair amount.

One problem is some of the things that happen. Now, I'm not going to name off anything that happens, but a few events seemed a little bit far-fetched to me. But hey, thats just me.

In conclusion, After the Sunset is a fun action/crime/drama/comedy that is loads of fun. See it for yourself.
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A Light-Hearted And Thoroughly Entertaining Movie
Uriah4310 October 2012
What a fun and enjoyable movie this turned out to be! "Max Burdett" (played by Pierce Brosnan) is a jewel thief who wants to call it quits and retire in the Caribbean. "Lola Cirillo" (Salma Hayek) is his companion and partner-in-crime who accompanies him. Unfortunately, during one of their heists, they managed to completely discredit an FBI agent named "Stan Lloyd" (Woody Harrelson) who refuses to believe that they've retired and insists on catching them red-handed in their next caper. He is joined by a local cop named "Sophie" (Naomie Harris). Anyway, rather than divulging the rest of the story I will just say that this film had good acting, a favorable plot, a fine script and was well-directed by Brett Ratner. There was some enjoyable humor as well, especially involving the interaction between Pierce Brosnan and Woody Harrelson. Additionally, Salma Hayek looked quite sexy and her acting was equally first-rate. Likewise, Naomie Harris also put in a decent performance. That said, I thought that this was an excellent film and I highly recommend it for anyone who enjoys a light-hearted and thoroughly entertaining movie.
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good not great
t-excel13 November 2005
Who can look at a movie with Selma Hayek and not enjoy the view. Aspecialy with all the skin she is showing in this movie. bikini, sexy panties, even a little bit of topless. She was lying on top of Pierce, so nothing was shown, but still, a little bit of side boob from Selma is a lot better then most woman here in Amsterdam. The story is awesome, the cast is great, and woody....you where awesome. Why don't we see more of this man. Pierce, what can we say about him. this roles are meant for this man. I know everybody loves him as 007, but in performance like this, he goes from great to immense. The reason that i could not grade it higher is because i had the feeling i saw it all before.
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Light and entertaining
speedyholm25 December 2005
Nice little flick with good humour. Brosnan is pretty good as the somewhat bored thief. He nails the laid back thief, who just can't stop very nicely. The opening of the movie is also a nice piece of entertainment. Hayek is simply irresistible, and the director seems to manage, to show her from every angle (thanks buddy). But it's Woody that steals the movie. He's perfect cast as the half goofy half crazy FBI agent. He's got some great one liners. The shark scene is hilarious. Actually rather amusing little piece of film. Would have given it 7½, but because its somewhat predictable it gets a 7. If you have a couple of spare hours go rent it.
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Inspiration for all wannabe screenwriters.
mgressma10 November 2004
If you're a screenwriter having trouble with your screenplays, thinking that they just aren't good enough to get made, don't fret. Because if this screenplay can get filmed, anything can! "After the Sunset" is just awful. It's brutally bad. I can't believe that I sat through the whole thing. I was tempted every five minutes or so to walk out. This is a heist movie where the heist is so incredibly implausible that it was just stupid. In my mind there has to be at least a miniscule possibility that the scheme would work, but there wasn't even that. There are holes in the plot that don't make any sense, as if the screenwriter said "what the heck this is a good scene, who'll notice that it blows a huge hole in the story." As for the actors, I'm disappointed more than anything. Any bimbo could have played the Salma Hayak part. There must have been 10 scenes where the only noticeable quality was her cleavage. As for Pierce Brosnan, let's face it, if he's not playing James Bond, he's nothing. Don Cheadle, a very good actor, unfortunately is saddled with the most insipid dialogue in the film. A wasted performance. Woody Harrelson is OK. At the end of the day though, I'm sure all the principals just did this stupid movie for the money and a chance to spend time in a fabulous location on someone else's dime. I guess I can't really blame them for that.
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Selma Shows Off Her Assets
ccthemovieman-127 January 2006
This movie gets high marks for five things and low marks for three, so overall it's a keeper.

THE GOOD - (1) A very colorful film, with wonderful bright colors from the Bahamas scenery; (2) an interesting story right from the get-go; (3) originality in the story; and (4) yes, to be honest, Hayak's figure, which is seen in abundance throughout the film. She knows it's good and isn't shy about showing it, and (5) overall a good mixture of crime, comedy, romance and suspense and just right amount of time at just under 100 minutes.

THE BAD - (1) Insulting gratuitous sex and really stupid sexual dialog at times; (2) once again subversive Hollywood making the FBI character a moron, for the most part; (3) some Rambo mentality (bad guys miss from close range, good guys never miss, etc.).

It's an outlandish story but don't analyze it for credibility or you'd be turned off and quit after 10 minutes. Just go along for the ride and enjoy the entertainment....and entertaining it is!
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Brosnan gets older
hakapes2 February 2005
I really like the James Bond movies from Pierce Brosnan (Max), and expected something of the same style - a luxury style superhero who gets what he wants without limits. He did that, even we got or usual watch commercial, just instead of Omega, now he wore an Oris; but he's getting too old for this job of jumping-running-combat style action. Salma Hayek (Lola) didn't perform anything of top-level, she was just the average good looking amazon that we can follow in various swim suits and transparent T-shirts.

The diamond robbery part was way under my expectations, it took only a 5 minute take-and-run in the story, nothing sophisticated like in the Italian Job or Ocean's Eleven, which I wanted to enjoy in this film. The movie was rather an unpolished story of a thief-couple, just I couldn't decide whether the director wanted originally to expose the romance/drama between Max and Lola, or to make a light Sunday afternoon action movie. What he made was somewhere in-between, a low-level for each version.

Otherwise, there were some funny moments in the movie, with Brosnan and Harrelson (an FBI agent tracking Max) together on the screen, which was a nice surprise for me - then I can say the movie was worth the watch. So, this is a typical go-see-and-forget type of movie, but not so bad for that - 7/10.
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This may be the worst heist movie ever made...
HankKingsley25 June 2005
Why is it that people think the audience will buy the idea that jewel thieves live like millionaire playboys. That they rob FBI agents in broad daylight in front of tons of people, that they will break into a unbreakable vault while tons of people are watching them. This movie is just silly, and the worst part is that the screen writers try to weave a even sillier love story into it. A perfect example of trying to do to many things at once. Don't waste your time. For a much better example of this type of film, check out the wonderful Thomas Crown Affair or To Catch a Thief. God even the Pink Panther movies have more thought to them.
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