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21 September 2019
⚡ RATING: 6.0/10


✅✅ Maris Racal effectively plays Ellenya L. as an annoying yet bubbly millennial loaded with perseverance

✅ Gio Alvarez and Nova Villa are the dad and the grandmother that you wish you had during your teen identity crisis

✅ Pat Sugui as Kyle holds his own through his smooth poise and authority as a public relations strategist for local celebrities

✅ Has a generous amount of witty and slapstick laughs to tickle your fancy


❌❌ Has the mandatory romance angle that you can see coming from miles away with no solid foundation to back it up

❌❌ Dante Gulapa and his eagle dance basically has no place in the movie and should fly on out of here

❌ Iñigo Pascual was a tad enthralling but can't carry his character Peng's angst towards Ellenya's road to fame which is unjustifiable

❌ Ellenya was handed an opportunity on a silver platter for basically no good reason

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