Knifepoint (2011)
I'd never heard of it either!!
15 April 2016
I stumbled across this unknown gem last night looking online for any horror to watch before bed and I am glad I gave it a chance. The poster caught my eye right off so I investigated it and found next to nothing about it anywhere-which boggles me since it's 5 years old and fairly brutal.

Technically speaking-it's a solid film. Some of the performances are surprisingly good for an unknown cast in an unknown horror film. Most of the violence on display,(OF WHICH THERE IS PLENTY),is very well done and is certain to make some viewers squirm, even fans of hardcore cinema. SADISTIC AND BLOODY AND NEVER APOLOGETIC.

'KNIFEPOINT's faults are in some mediocre to hammy acting, (WHICH DOESN'T SIT WELL NEXT TO SOME GOOD ACTING). Some camera-shy violence,(WHICH SEEMS OUT OF PLACE WHEN COMPARED TO SOME PRETTY GRAPHIC SCENES). And a somewhat muddled, hurried ending. But by the time any of these are even noticed it's so easy to let them slide.

Somewhere in-between 'THE STRANGERS' and 'AUGUST UNDERGROUND'S MORDUM', 'KNIFEPOINT' is a great way to spend 83m if you like your horror rough and ready. Easily the best home-invasion film I've seen in some time and I look forward to showing off my discovery to friends. How it is not better known I have no idea-IT REEKS OF B-MOVIE GREATNESS AND FUTURE CULT FAV.! Not a date movie.
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