**1/2 out of 5
26 October 2002
You can't truly appreciate how good La Femme Nikita was until you have seen Point of no Return. Bridget Fonda stars as Maggie, the drug addict who is sentenced to death after killing a cop but is given a second chance if she will train to be a secret agent. The film is pretty much remade scene for scene from Nikita with a few small changes here and there except this time all of the original's artistic integrity is sacrificed for mindless action sequences and unneeded sex scenes. Fonda is good as a female action lad but fails to capture the inner struggle Nikita faced from having to live a double life. Also the burning sexual tension from the original is now reduced to nothing more than petty conflict between Maggie and her boyfriend. Bob from the original film was played with a stern sense of hope, you knew he was there for nothing more than to train these people but you could tell in his actions that he did care. Here Gabriel Byrne does not seem tough and uncaring making any feelings he could have had for Maggie seem rather meaningless. Even the line "I will never kiss you again"seems rather out of context, Not only that but most of the other more important scenes from Nikita mean next to nothing, for instance when Nikita pulled the gun out of the bath tub while crying, symbolizing the toil of having to secretly live as someone else. Harvey Keitel is a good actor but is given a thankless role here as Victor the cleaner, coming nowhere close to Jean Reno's dramatic intensity and dark sense of humour. Probably the most disappointing aspect of the film is that there are no cameos from original cast members or no homage paid to Luc Besson's artistic masterpiece, it is just a remake made to suit the modern masses. The ending of the film is basically the same except made a little more accessible but also losses the sense of tragedy, lessening the overall impact of the film in general. The only reason I could see people enjoying this film is if they have not seen La Femme Nikita or those who found the original hard to follow due to the subtitles. Other than that there was really no need for this film to be made or for people to watch it.
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