Fireball Forward (1972 TV Movie)
Hey, we've got all this footage from these movies left over . . .
22 February 2002
This is out on Video? They're showing it on TNT? Wasn't it banned by the People of America with Good Taste, Nebraska Chapter? It is truly a sad film, NOT that the premise of having a roving military guy investigating and fixing problems from Europe to the Pacific wasn't (isn't) a neat idea. Ah, the siren call of good premises.

I, unlike you recently fooled renters, saw the thing on ABC when it first aired. I remember reading that they had so much left over (unused) footage from both Patton and Tora Tora Tora (both 20th Century Fox) that they could keep the series going for years. Those two great WWII movies still remain great to this day, but Fireball Forward (who came up with that title?). Nah! You can probably tell the Patton footage as it looks terrific while the rest of this "special" is lit like a TV movie, which of course is what it is.

It never became a series, just this two-hour "pilot." Back yourself away from Fireball Forward. It hurts!
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