Turkey Physical Map

Turkey Physical Map

Physical map of Turkey, equirectangular projection

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Turkey geography information

Turkey forms a bridge between Europe and Asia, with the division between the two running from the Black Sea (Karadeniz) to the north down along the Bosporus (Istanbul Boğazı) strait through the Sea of Marmara (Marmara Denizi) and the Dardanelles (Çanakkale Boğazı) strait to the Aegean Sea (Ege Denizi) and the larger Mediterranean Sea (Akdeniz) to the south. Anatolian peninsula or Anatolia (Anadolu) consists of a high central plateau with narrow coastal plains, in between the Köroğlu and East-Black Sea mountain range to the north and the Taurus Mountains (Toros Dağları) to the south. To the east is found a more mountainous landscape, home to the sources of rivers such as the Euphrates (Firat), Tigris (Dicle) and the Araks (Aras), as well as Lake Van ( Van Gölü) and Mount Ararat (Ağrı Dağı), Turkey's highest point at 5,137 m.
The capital of Turkey is the city of Ankara, but the largest city is İstanbul.

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