Secretariat of the Antarctic Treaty

20 years
of the Secretariat

The Antarctic Treaty Secretariat: twenty years after its establishment

  • From its signing in 1959, the Antarctic Treaty had operated without any continuing administrative institution. After agreeing on the need to establish a permanent secretariat and several years of debate on possible locations for its offices, at the ATCM XXIV (St. Petersburg, 2001) the Parties reached a consensus to establish the Secretariat in the capital city of Argentina and began discussions on the establishment of a headquarters agreement and foundational regulations.

    On 1 September 2004, the Secretariat of the Antarctic Treaty formally began operations in Buenos Aires. From that date on, the Secretariat has continuously worked to strengthen the Antarctic Treaty system and ensure that all activities in Antarctica are consistent with the purposes and principles of the Antarctic Treaty and its Protocol on Environmental Protection. Such work includes many activities and tasks that, in pre-Secretariat times, were either performed by the Host Country during meetings or not performed at all.

    This webpage summarizes these activities, tasks and outputs, by focusing on five main areas: Meeting organization, Information repositories, Tools and resources for delegates, Exchange of information, and Institutional and ATCM / CEP Memory.

    The Secretariat and its work are funded by the Consultative Parties. The Secretariat’s budget is approved each year at the ATCM, while Financial Regulations govern its management. Despite the growth in activities and tasks, the Secretariat’s budget has remained almost constant since 2011, allowing for a zero nominal increase in the Parties’ contributions since 2014. Likewise, since 2006/07 the number of personnel working at the Secretariat only increased by one staff member in 2015/16 and has remained stable thereafter.

    Annex 1 contains a timeline with information on the products, services and reports provided by the Antarctic Treaty Secretariat as well as relevant Secretariat Papers presented to meetings since its establishment.

    Annex 2 shows the same information related to Secretariat staff both in Buenos Aires and as supporting staff at meetings since 2004. Additionally, in the same period, 21 trainees from 12 Parties worked at the Secretariat.

  • Before 2004 all arrangements for organizing an ATCM were the responsibility of the Host Country. The criteria used to perform all these activities were not uniform over time and, since all the necessary information on how to proceed on these issues was not recorded, it was up to each meeting’s Host Country to find out how to do it each year.

    To assist with this complex process, the Host Country had to rely on its own staff, who were usually unfamiliar with the meeting practices and procedures.

    The Secretariat is now responsible for most of the routine tasks and services that support each ATCM, including translation and interpretation, note-taking, communication to Parties and managing of documents and reports. Additionally, to help Host Countries in the organization of ATCMs, the ATS produced and keeps updated an internal document, the Organizational Manual, which fully describes all the arrangements needed when planning an ATCM.

    Before 2004, registration to meetings was done directly with the Host Country and verified using printed lists, and delegates’ participation in the meeting was unknown to other delegates until the meeting started. Online registration and delegate lists provided on the Secretariat website now keep delegates informed regarding who is participating in the next meeting, while easing the workload of the Host Country in making precise arrangements according to the number of meeting participants.

    Before the ATS was established, papers were submitted to the Meeting as attachments to e-mails sent to the Host Country. This method often did not permit delegates to easily confirm whether the paper had been received, or check if a paper was in the process of translation and/or publication. Papers were printed and distributed in “pigeonholes” from which delegates manually retrieved them. Revised versions of papers had to be re-printed, and it was often difficult to determine whether all delegations had the most recent paper versions at the start of each session

    To deal with all these tasks, the ATS has developed several tools to manage documentation before and during the meeting. In the months preceding the ATCM a platform for uploading meeting documents replaced the traditional practice of submissions by e-mail. It speeded up their processing and facilitated proper classification, providing delegates with information on the status of the submitted documents. During the meeting, the section dedicated to meeting papers allows delegates to easily identify the most updated version of documents and to almost completely do away with printed material.

  • After the establishment of the Secretariat, several databases and information repositories were gradually created, enabling quick and structured access to information that was previously dispersed in various digital or analog sources.

    One of the first of such repositories to be developed was the Antarctic Treaty Database which contains the texts of all Recommendations, Measures, Decisions and Resolutions, and other measures adopted by the ATCM, together with their attachments and information on their legal status.

    Of highest relevance to the work of the CEP, the Secretariat developed two databases containing Environmental Information: the EIA Database including details on all IEEs and CEEs submitted by Parties and the Protected Areas database. This last database contains the texts of the management plans for Antarctic Specially Protected Areas and Antarctic Specially Managed Areas as well as their legal status, location, and a summary of the purpose of designation. It also contains information related to the list and location of Historic Sites and Monuments in Antarctica.

    More recently, based on a previously static list of Inspections, the Secretariat developed the Inspections Database, containing details of all inspections carried out by Parties under Article VII of the Treaty and Article 14 of the Protocol since 1962, as well as links to the available inspection reports and other documents discussed at the ATCM in relation to these inspections.

    The Secretariat staff continuously updates and monitors these information repositories, based on information received from the ATCM, directly from Parties and from the Depositary Government of the Antarctic Treaty.

  • Before the ATS was established, no reliable or central source of information on the Meeting’s rules, procedures and norms was available to delegates. This lack of guidance impeded delegates’ ability to adequately prepare for ATCMs. In response to this, the Secretariat developed the ATCM Workspace and CEP Workspace with a variety of tools and resources for delegates.

    These sections now include ATCM and CEP guidelines and procedures, ATCM and CEP strategic work plans, invoices and acknowledgements of Parties’ contributions, circulars, delegation contact points, and other useful information.

    The Secretariat also created different web-based sections aimed to provide quick access to all necessary information to participate in the meetings. The ATS has included in these sections ad-hoc material to assist delegates when preparing meeting documents: the Tips to write meeting papers and the Guidelines for the formatting of documents.

    During the meeting, report editing tasks require coordination of the work of rapporteurs, editors and secretaries of the Working Groups and plenaries. In pre-Secretariat times, delegates had no opportunity to propose changes to draft reports until the moment the adoption process began. In recent years, the Secretariat developed an on-line draft report commenting system which allows delegates designated as meeting report contributors to provide comments to draft reports, within timeframes allocated by the chairs, and compiles them automatically for the Secretariat editing team to process and incorporate the comments to the reports before the start of the sessions.

    With respect to the delegates’ intersessional work, it is worth mentioning that, before the establishment of the Secretariat, almost all ATCM- and CEP-related activities concentrated on the meeting itself. Technological advances in communication tools, mainly internet-based, offered new opportunities to make progress on certain ATCM/CEP issues between meetings. Initially, these intersessional discussions took place through e-mail. Later, the Secretariat created web-based discussion forums for the ATCM and the CEP.

    Since 2007/08, more than 80 intersessional activities have been carried out on the ATCM forum. CEP intersessional activities began in 2004/05 and an archive containing records of the more than 130 activities carried out so far is now accessible on the ATS website.

    Finally, the Contact Database allows delegates to search for contact details of other delegates and assign specific permissions to interact with the Secretariat information systems. This database also provides the platform for on-line registration to the meetings.

  • In pre-Secretariat times, information that had to be exchanged among Parties according to Articles III of the Antarctic Treaty, was circulated through official channels. More recently, Article 17 of the Environmental Protocol established that reports on the steps taken to implement it shall be circulated and considered at the following Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting. Some Parties decided to comply with these regulations by means of submitting and Information Paper to the ATCM and CEP.

    These non-centralized document-based methods made it very hard to review the information provided. Disparity of data formats and structure made it almost impossible to compare the information submitted by Parties or perform any valuable quantitative analysis .To enable exchanging information online, the Secretariat implemented, through its website, the Electronic Information Exchange System (EIES), which allowed Parties to provide their Annual Reports, as well as their Pre-season and Permanent information. Since its establishment, the EIES has been continuously enhanced with new tools and resources to facilitate the Parties’ entering of data.

    In addition, with the information annually provided by Parties through the EIES, the Secretariat also developed Summarized reports and an associated Maps section on a variety of issues, such as visited sites, Environmental Impact Assessments, Protected Areas, Inspections, Automatic Recording Stations, and Sites of Past Activities.

    To aid the work of EIES users, the Secretariat has prepared several EIES tutorials, and more recently, it began providing virtual training sessions that allow EIES operators to build and keep their EIES-related capabilities updated. Since their initial implementation in 2022, 15 countries have benefited from participating in such sessions.

  • Before the Secretariat was established, a comprehensive repository for meeting documents did not exist. The only relevant precedent was the CEP web portal administered by Australia, which contained the discussion documents as well as all CEP reports.

    The ATS made available the Meeting Documents Archive, a searchable tool that includes an archive of all meeting documents since the first ATCM. To prepare this database, the ATS made an extensive search among Parties to recover all missing documents. Today, the database contains almost all papers ever submitted to ATCM and CEP meetings and other meeting-related documents and constitutes a very valuable source of information for delegates and general public working on the ATCM and CEP history.

    Regarding Final Reports, prior to the establishment of the Secretariat, their preparation, translation, publication and distribution were the responsibility of each Host Country. Today, these tasks fall to the Secretariat. This shift not only eased the budget of Host Countries but also increased consistency in the form and content of the Final Report. In addition, all ATCM Final Reports can now be found in a centralised source, available on the ATS website.

    The Secretariat has prepared nearly 40 reports on different issues, submitted to the meeting as Secretariat papers. These have included reviews, summaries, analyses, and updates on a variety of matters, such as the status of ATCM measures, the ATCM Multi-year Strategic Work Plan, discussions held or actions taken by the CEP/ATCM on certain issues, and matters related to tourism, liability, and environmental remediation, among others.

    Other Secretariat papers have been regularly submitted to the ATCM to report on technical developments made on different web-based tools and resources provided by the Secretariat, including databases, maps, the EIES and the ATS website.

    For detailed information on the services and products provided, as well as papers submitted by the Antarctic Treaty Secretariat since its establishment, see the next section.

  • Period Products and services Relevant Reports presented to the ATCM/CEP meeting
    2004/05 The Secretariat started operations in Buenos Aires in September 2004.
    Collection of missing copies of ATCM Final Reports and reports of other meetings, Working Papers, etc. began among Parties.
    A first version of a database of Contact Points was established.
    ATS website v1.0 became operational in April 2005.

    2005/06 The Antarctic Treaty database (English language version) and EIA database went online on ATS website.
    • SP009: Electronic Information Exchange System (2006)
    Creation of Information Exchange section of the Secretariat website. Preparations began for the Electronic Information Exchange System (EIES).
    Working Papers and Information Papers submitted to the ATCM were presented as an online searchable database (instead of static lists).
    2006/07 The CEP website, previously maintained by the Australian Antarctic Division, was incorporated to the ATS website.
    • SP009: The recommendations of the ATCM: survey of their status (2007)
    • SP010: Review of the Status of ATCM Recommendations on Environmental Issues (2007)
    • SP011: Electronic Information Exchange System (2007)
    • SP012: Information Exchange System: Survey of current practice (2007)
    The Antarctic Treaty database became available in all four Treaty languages.
    New Contacts Database developed allowing Parties to keep their contact information on the website up to date.
    Online Registration for meetings was established.
    A trial system of the Electronic Information Exchange System (EIES) was put online to be tested by the Parties.
    The ATCM and CEP intersessional discussion forums were established on the ATS website.
    Site Guidelines for Visitors section went online on the ATS Website.
    2008/09 The first operational phase of the Electronic Information Exchange System (EIES) was released, starting with the collection of the pre-season information for the 2008/2009 Antarctic season.
    • SP006: Review of Recommendations on Protected Areas and Monuments (2009)
    • SP008: Electronic Information Exchange System: A report on the first operational season (2009)
    • SP011: Topic Summary of CEP discussions on Non-native species (NNS) in Antarctica (2009)
    The first ATCM Organizational Manual for Host Countries was prepared.
    The ATCM Forum became operational.
    2009/10 The Secretariat took over the full costs of translation and interpretation during the ATCM (formerly responsibility of Host Country) after the entry into force of Measure 1 (2003).
    • SP005: Review of the Status of ATCM Recommendations on Protected Areas and Monuments (2010)
    • SP006: Review of the Status of ATCM Recommendations on Operational Matters (2010)
    • SP007: Review of the Status of ATCM Recommendations on Environmental Issues other than Area Protection and Management (2010)
    • SP009: Electronic Information Exchange System (EIES): Report on the 2nd operational season and summary information examples (2010)
    First examples of Information Exchange summarized reports, based on the EIES information, were presented.
    2010/11 In May 2011 the Secretariat relocated its headquarters in Buenos Aires to new offices in Maipú 757.
    • SP006: Summary of the work of the CEP on Marine Protected Areas (2011)
    Database on Protected Areas in Antarctica went online including information on all protected areas. It also included a basic geographical information system to show their location.
    ATS website v.2 was launched.

    2011/12 Several improvements of the EIES were implemented in line with ICG discussions
    • SP008: Actions taken by the CEP and the ATCM on the ATME Recommendations on Climate Change (2012)
    • SP009: Report of the Intersessional Contact Group on Review of ATCM Recommendations on Operational Matters (2012)
    • SP010: Report on the Informal Contact Group on the improvement of the EIES and other Information Exchange Matters (2012)
    2012/13 The Secretariat integrated into the Antarctic Protected Areas Database a set of high-resolution outlines from ASMAs and ASPAs, usable for an electronic Geographic Information System (GIS), in cooperation with the Australian Antarctic Division (AAD) and the Company Environmental Research & Assessment (EAR) in Cambridge, UK.
    • SP007: Actions taken by the CEP and the ATCM on the ATME recommendations on climate change (2013)
    A glossary of terms and expressions of the ATCM was prepared and went online. A Manual of translation guidelines, which is binding for the contracted translation and interpretation company, was also prepared.
    The Secretariat finished a project to complement its archives of Working Papers of former ATCMs, with the Scott Polar Research Institute (SPRI), Cambridge (UK).
    2014/15 The List of Inspections under Article VII of the Treaty and Article 14 of the Protocol was converted into the Inspections database.
    • SP007: Actions taken by the CEP and the ATCM on the ATME recommendations on climate change (2015)
    • SP008: Operational Recommendations subject to review (2015)
    2015/16 Specific summarized reports based on EIES data were released.
    • SP007: Actions taken by the CEP and the ATCM on the ATME recommendations on climate change (2016)
    • SP009: Review of ATCM discussions relating to Antarctic Tourism 2008-2015 (2016)
    The Antarctic Treaty database was modified to show additional information on the adoption of measures.
    The Site Guidelines for Visitors section of the ATS website was fully redesigned and converted into a database.
    A new Draft Reports Commenting System was put in place online during the Meetings.
    • SP008: Actions taken by the CEP and the ATCM on the ATME recommendations on climate change (2017)
    • SP009: Update on the current state of recommendations of the 2012 CEP Tourism Study (2017)
    • SP010: Report for the review of the functioning of the EIES (2017)
    2017/18 A new version of the Contacts Database went online, providing contact information and management of access permissions to most of the Secretariat’s systems available to external users, including the EIES and meeting registration, among others.
    • SP008: Inspections Database developments and mapping system (2018)
    The EIES interface became available in the four Treaty languages.
    An Image Bank was created to store representative photographs of the history of the Antarctic Treaty since its signing in Washington in 1959.
    2018/19 A mapping application based on ARCGIS was released, which includes new maps displaying geographical information related to Inspections, visits to sites subject to Site Guidelines and Protected Areas.
    • SP007: Visits to Sites and Protected Areas: reporting and mapping developments (2019)
    • SP008: The Secretariat Website (2019)
    2019/20 ATS website v.3 was launched in September 2019.

    2020/21 New maps and reports on tourist visits to all sites in Antarctica were created.
    • SP007: New map and reports of all sites receiving vessel-based visits in Antarctica (2021)
    • SP009: Redesign of the Electronic Information Exchange System (EIES) (2021)
    • SP010: Analysis of the use of the Electronic Information Exchange System: uploading of Annual Reports and other additional considerations (2021)
    A new webpage to highlight the Key science priorities of National Antarctic Programmes went online
    A new tool for internal use (“Lexicon”) was released, to facilitate interaction between the Secretariat and the external translation teams.
    2021/22 Virtual training and discussion sessions with delegates and EIES operators took place for the first time, to support their use of the system, explain new features and exchange views on how to enhance the EIES.
    • SP007: Waste Management Plans and Contingency Plans: Analysis of the information provided by the Parties in the EIES (2022)
    • SP009: Limits of liability and environmental remediation (2022)
    A new platform for uploading meeting documents was released.
    New section on educational resources, comprising links to national Antarctic programme websites that have content dedicated to education and outreach.
    Several improvements to the section on HSMs included in the Protected Areas database, intended to host all the information in the list, making it public through the website and allowing the generation of tables and maps.
    2022/23 A Guide for the preparation of meeting papers was elaborated in consultation with ATCM Working Group Chairs and CEP Chair.
    • SP008: Review of the utilisation of the EIES (2023)
    • SP009: Developments on the ATS website related to meeting paper preparation and submission (2023)
    • SP010: A review of the use of the ATCM Multi-year Strategic Work Plan (MYSWP) (2023)
    • SP011: Report on records of non-compliance with the Treaty or Protocol (2023)
    • SP012: Summary of non-IAATO vessel activities during 2021-22 (2023)
    A Manual for Chairs, a compilation of notes and recommendations aimed to facilitate the work of ATCM Working Group Chairs, was produced in consultation with current and previous Chairs.
    A new map of HSM and two new maps (Automatic recording stations and Inventory of past activities) were developed.
    Two dedicated webpages in the four Treaty languages for the CEP Subsidiary Group on Management Plans (SGMP) and the Subsidiary Group on Climate Change Response (SGCCR) were created.
    2023/24 A comprehensive analysis of the Antarctic Treaty database was initiated to review and adjust existing allocation of categories and topics to measures.
    • SP008: Review of gender-neutral language in ATCM and CEP documents (2024)
    • SP009: Summary of documents submitted to the ATCM on modernisation of Antarctic stations (2016-2023) (2024)
    • SP010: Review of how comments and responses have been reflected in final CEEs (2024)
    • SP013: Draft best practice guidelines for reporting non-compliant activities (2024)
    • SP011: Summary of previous CEP discussions on assessing cumulative impacts (2024)
    Production of draft ATS Training program for in-person training courses on the Antarctic Treaty System.
  • Staff in Buenos Aires

    Huber, Johannes Executive Secretary 2004-2009
    Acero, José Maria Deputy Executive Secretary 2004-2019
    Agraz, Jose Luis Information Officer 2004-present
    Fontan, Gloria Office Assistant 2004-2011
    Brizuela, Juan Carlos Accountant 2005-2008
    Wainschenker, Pablo Editor 2006-present
    Wydler, Diego IT Officer 2006-2019
    Antinarelli, Violeta Librarian 2007-2018
    Fennell, Alan Finance Officer 2008-2023
    Gil, Karina Data Entry 2007-2010
    Reinke, Manfred Executive Secretary 2009-2017
    Balok, Anna Communication Specialist 2010-present
    Collado, Viviana Office Manager 2012-present
    Tolaba, Margarita Cleaning Assistant 2015-present
    Lluberas, Albert Executive Secretary 2017-present
    Papaserge, Walter IT Specialist 2019-present
    Wydler, Diego Deputy Executive Secretary 2019-present
    Sanchez, Rodolfo Science, Operations and Environment Support Officer 2020-present
    Russo, Gabriela Accountant 2023-present

    ATCM supporting staff

    Hjort, Antonia Advisor 2006-2007
    Davies, Paul Advisor 2007-2018
    Guyomart, Ann-Isabelle Advisor 2008-2012
    Walton, David Chief Editor 2011-2018
    Gureskaya, Anastasia Advisor 2013-2015
    Sampaio, Daniela Advisor 2016-present
    Erceg, Diane Chief Rapporteur 2019-2023
    Philips, Andrew Chief Editor 2019-present
    Hogston-Johnson, Indiah Chief Rapporteur 2024-present