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issue 135 of GitHub project “Meetable”

In addition, if an h-card lacks an icon, perhaps Meetable should re-fetch user info more frequently, in case someone just setup their personal site and then added their image later.

One user-interactive work-around for this could be for Meetable to refetech someone’s h-card every time they sign-in, that way, a “user fix” for this could be signing out and signing back in to Meetable. Update: I see this was noted in https://github.com/aaronpk/Meetable/issues/122 already.

Another more aggressive user-interactive work-around for this could be refetch someone’s h-card every time a signed-in user (re)loads a Meetable page, since Meetable obviously recognizes that the user is signed in (since it offers more UI options like RSVPing and editing).

That way the UX would be:
* signed-in user updates their h-card with a new icon
* user reloads whatever Meetable page they are looking at
* Meetable detects the user page reload (same URL requested by same IP within 1hr? or use a cookie to note last time page was loaded by the user)
* Meetable goes out and re-fetches the user’s h-card

That would feel more responsive and discoverable, since reloading a page to see an update is a very natural thing for a user to do.

on (ttk.me t5Yf2) using BBEdit