
finished the Skyline 21k (half marathon) trail race in 3:39:48! (official bib time)

Went out with the goal to have fun and try for sub-4, finished with smiles and a sub 3:40.

Superbly run event as always by @ScenaPerformance.com (@instagram.com/scenaperformance), race director Adam Ray, and all the great volunteers.

So many things went well. Race write-up to follow.

* 2023: DNS Skyline 50k because of a bad fever from a blood bacteria infection caught in Wakefield MA (that’s whole other story, never going back there)
* 2022: 50k race PR at Skyline: https://tantek.com/2022/289/t1/hot-skyline50k-ultra-finish

#Skyline #21k #halfMarathon #trailRace #trailRun

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