San Diego Union, October 15, 1911, page 32:

San  Francisco  Company,  After  Demonstrating,  Goes  Out  After  Subscribers

Expects  to  Have  Four  Thousand  in  Less  Than  Two  Months--Local  Company  Desires  to  Interest  Local  People.

THERE are so many people in this world who do not see the reasons for things that of course it takes some time to make them believe that a new thing can be successful.
    In the case of the telephone herald, however, it is not a new or untried thing. It has passed beyond the stage of an experiment and is now a demonstrated success.
    In Budapest, where it is now in successful working, the telephone herald has over 15,000 subscribers, and has paid very large returns to its stockholders. There it has been in successful operation for about fifteen years.
    In the Monthly Consular and Trade Report for April, 1909, issued by the United States Government, Consul-General Paul Nash writes as follows:
    "This system which has been in successful operation in the capital of Hungary for a number of years past is owned and managed by a private corporation. The service begins at 8:55 a. m. when a buzzing sound loud enough to be heard across a large room and lasting for fifteen seconds announces the correct time. At 9:30 the day's program of important events is announced, that is to say the ceremonies, lectures, plays, races, etc. At 10 and 11 o'clock stock quotations and general news items are given.
    "At noon comes a second announcement of the correct time, followed by parliamentary news and general items of interest. At 12:45 stock quotations from the local, Vienna and Berlin exchanges and general news. At 2 o'clock more parliamentary and general news, and at 3 p. m. the closing prices of stocks, meteorological forecast, local personals and in winter the condition of the various skating places. From 4:30 to 6:30 military music from one of the great cafes or gardens. In the evening the subscriber may choose between the royal opera or one of the theaters, and later music by one of the gypsy orchestras.
    "The program is sufficiently varied to satisfy the desires of all classes of subscribers, and in general the service seems to give the utmost satisfaction. Its advantages are so manifest that no comment seems necessary."
    Note the last part, "Gives the utmost satisfaction," and "Its advantages are so manifest that no comment appears necessary."
    Within the last six months American investors bought up the American patents and started to organize local companies throughout the United States after forming the parent company in New York City.
    It would hardly seem necessary to explain the maner in which the telephone has been successful, as it is a matter of common knowledge. The instruments that are used are the ordinary receivers and a microphone transmitter much the same as that now used, only reinforced as it were, the main element of the patents being on the switchboard. San Francisco telegram
    This is nothing experimental, it being only the phase of the use of the telephone which the development on the commercial side has kept the present telephone companies from undertaking, and which they could not do unless they used our instruments.
    As soon as parent company was formed the local companies started to organize in many of the large cities of the country. The New York Herald had this to say:
    "Visitors to Budapest, Hungary, for some years past have been surprised and delighted to find in the barber shops, dentists' parlors, in waiting rooms and in hotel apartments, as well as in practically every home of any pretention to culture, the service of the Telefon Hirmondo or telephone herald. The Telephone Herald Co. has a similar service which it is now prepared to install and operate here and elsewhere."
    The Fourth Estate, a paper devoted to newspaper men and advertising men, has this to say: "The next demonstration of the telephone herald, which is to be a combined news, lecture and musical service, was given in the rooms of the company at 110 West 34th street, New York, the other evening. A large audience listened to instrumental music, bulletins of news and a brief lecture, all by telephone."
    In Chicago, where a local company has been formed, the leading paper, the Record-Herald, has this to say: "Chicago is to have a newspaper that will leave nothing to be desired by the laziest man in the world. It will not only telephone him all the news, but will also put him to sleep in the evening with the strains of grand opera."
    Westward the impulse went until companies were formed in Seattle and in San Francisco.
    From San Francisco, Mr. H. A. Schmidt came to San Diego and formed the local company.
    Mr. Schmidt received the telegram of which a facsimile is here given on Friday, which shows how successful the San Francisco company has been. The sender of the telegram is a most careful and conservative man, and the telegram seems to indicate that the developments in that city are even greater than those mentioned.
    The local company is desirous of getting local capital interested, and its members feel that it will be a big thing for the city as well as paying handsome returns on the investment. Those having some money to invest will find that it will pay them to call at the office and investigate it thoroughly.
    If you cannot call, send for our free booklet, "The Telephone Herald," which will give much interesting information.

916-916  American  National  Bank  Building,  N. E.  Corner  of  Fifth  and  D  Streets