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Ice NGX Canada Inc. (Re), 2024 CanLII 9451 (SK FCAA)

Ice NGX Canada Inc. (Re), 2024 CanLII 9451 (SK FCAA), <>, retrieved on 2024-09-30

Citation:                                                                                                      January 15, 2024


In the Matter of the Securities Legislation of Saskatchewan

(the Jurisdiction)


In the Matter of ICE NGX Canada Inc.

(the Filer)




The Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority of Saskatchewan (the Authority) has received an application from the Filer for a decision under the securities legislation of the Jurisdiction (the Legislation) to vary the decision dated May 16, 2014, made by the Authority granting an exemption from the exchange and clearing agency recognition requirement under The Securities Act, 1988 (Saskatchewan) (the Act) to the Natural Gas Exchange Inc. (the predecessor entity to the Filer), and for Saskatchewan Participants trading in Contracts be exempt from the registration requirement under subsection 27(2) of the Act, among other reliefs (the 2014 Decision).


Terms defined in the 2014 Decision have the same meanings if used in this decision, unless otherwise defined.


The decision is based on the following facts represented by the Filer:

1.      The Filer is the successor entity to the Natural Gas Exchange Inc.

2.      The Filer continues to be recognized by the Alberta Securities Commission (ASC) under the Securities Act (Alberta) as an exchange and as a clearing agency by orders (2018 ASC Orders) dated December 6, 2018, and continues to be subject to regulatory oversight by the ASC.

3.      Given the passage of time, the acquisition of the Natural Gas Exchange Inc. by Intercontinental Exchange, Inc., and the subsequent name change to the Filer, the Filer is requesting the 2014 Decision be varied to reflect the 2018 ASC Orders.


1.      The Director is satisfied that it would not be prejudicial to the public interest to make the decision.

2.      The decision of the Director is that reference to “ASC Orders” contained in paragraph 2 of the Representations in the 2014 Decision, be replaced by reference to “2018 ASC Orders”.



               “Dean Murrison”                    

Dean Murrison
Executive Director, Securities Division
Financial and Consumer Affairs
Authority of Saskatchewan