About this database

Continuous coverage
2006-01-01 to present
Partial coverage
85 decisions prior to 2006-01-01
Total number of decisions
Last update

This database also contains full coverage of Admissions and Education decisions from 2016-01-01 to present. For Admissions and Education decisions prior to this date, please visit the Law Society of Manitoba’s Website.

To search for only Discipline decisions use the File Number format “LSMD” in the "Case name, citation or docket" search field. To search for only Admissions and Education decisions use the File Number format “LSMAE” in the in the "Case name, citation or docket" search field.

Access by date

Recent decisions

Date Decision
2024-09-17 The Law Society of Manitoba v Aquila, 2024 MBLS 8 (CanLII)
2024-09-05 The Law Society of Manitoba v Paul Sydney Vyamucharo-Shawa, 2024 MBLS 7 (CanLII)
2024-07-09 The Law Society of Manitoba v David Hirsh Davis, 2024 MBLS 6 (CanLII)
2024-05-07 The Law Society of Manitoba v DAVID MATAS, 2024 MBLS 5 (CanLII)
2024-05-02 The Law Society of Manitoba v MANU BATISH, 2024 MBLS 4 (CanLII)
2024-04-10 The Law Society of Manitoba v DANIEL WILLIAM CHORNOPYSKI, 2024 MBLS 3 (CanLII)
2024-03-11 The Law Society of Manitoba v Fourmeaux Clemens, 2024 MBLS 2 (CanLII)
2024-02-14 The Law Society Of Manitoba v Jonathan Black-Branch, 2024 MBLS 1 (CanLII)