Six Write-in Presidential Candidates File to Have North Dakota Write-ins Counted

The North Dakota deadline for a declared write-in presidential candidate to file was October 18. Six individuals filed: Robert Buchanan, Cherunda Fox, Laurence Kotlikoff, Mike Maturen, Evan McMullin, and Marshall Schoenke.

Six presidential candidates are on the ballot in North Dakota: Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Gary Johnson, Jill Stein, Darrell Castle, and Rocky De La Fuente.


Six Write-in Presidential Candidates File to Have North Dakota Write-ins Counted — 9 Comments

  1. Richard, do you have any information about Bernie Sanders filing as a write-in in any state? (Personally, I’m not expecting he will — barring perhaps a favorite-son effort in Vermont. But it’s apparent that a lot of people are considering writing him in, and it would be nice to have a comprehensive list somewhere — for him and for others.)

  2. Bernie Sanders as not filed as a write-in candidate in anystate, but in Oregon, Iowa, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, and Vermont no filings are required for a write-in candidates votes to be counted. However in practice, some of those aforementioned states like New Jersey will not count write-in votes unless the total of write-in votes cast is more than the votes cast for the top vote getting ballot qualified candidate.

  3. Gary Johnson was born in Minot NorthDakota and should win this state .Also advocate freeing Amy Goodman to .This legal situation concerning Amy Goodman in North Dakota is a war against independent journalism .Donald Trump is probably happy Amy Goodman was indicted and arrested.

  4. People who wanted to write-in Bernie Sanders and have their write-ins counted were free to find some other Bernie or Bernard Sanders and ask him to file as a declared write-in, in most states. But they didn’t do that, so now in all but 7 states, there will be no votes tallied for Bernie Sanders.

  5. 14th Amdt, Sec. 2 is still a part of the de facto DEAD USA Constitution.

    How many write-in votes in 1866-1868 ???

  6. Will it take the next 6 months or more [i.e. beyond 20 Jan 2017) to count the zillion write-in votes for Prez ???

  7. Bernie Sanders is a write-in in California! But unfortunately not in ND. The list of write-ins should be available at each polling location in every state. It was a nice surprise when I checked this last night.

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