

A T-Shirt Prince, Inc.


About Us

At A T-Shirt Prince, we pride ourselves on personal, friendly service at great prices. We have a large selection of printable items to choose from in our catalog, and if you can't find it there, just ask... we'll find it for you!

Our main audience is the non-profit sector, including groups like Charities, Recovery Organizations, Animal Shelters, Women Shelters, Environmental Groups, Ski Clubs, Walk/Run Fundraisers and Food Co-ops. While our prices are extremely competetive, we also will typically donate screen set-up charges and film to these various agencies, resulting in huge cost savings for our clients.

We want to be of service to you! We shop the market to provide you with the best products at the lowest cost. For example, if you are looking for a light blue tshirt and there are several similar items on the market, we will go the extra mile and educate you of the sale item. This usually adds up to many dollars in savings on your order.

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