

Jóvenes Cristianos Adventistas del Séptimo día Cristianos Juventud Cristiana Sabado portal

PCJovenes.com is a Spanish online portal/community serving the Lord. The website is an interactive intended to produce awareness of the Seventh-Day Adventist believes to the Hispanic Community. Free of charge. Lots of visitors per month from all over the world and growing every day.

  • Organize Youth events * Online resources * Online Bible studies * Prayer request * News * Podcasting * Video productions * Seminars * Multimedia resources * Pathfinders resources * and much more...

And this gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. (KJV) Mathew 24:14


español (Spanish) & English (Ingles)


6103 Baltimore ave Suite T-4
Riverdale MD 20737 US

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