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The fifth Emery Babies Reunion was scheduled for October 2005, but was cancelled due to Hurricane Katrina. It was held in March of 2006 in conjunction with the Town of Richton’s Centennial Celebration. We were welcomed by the Mayor of Richton, Jimmy White. We handed our literature out giving a background about us and letting people know about our website. We participated in the Richton parade proudly displaying our Emery Baby banners.

Next year’s reunion will be held in Hattiesburg, MS in the fall of 2007. We will work diligently all year getting the word out about the Emery Home to adoptees and birthmothers.

We are a support group and our mission is to reunite adoptees from the Emery Memorial Home with their birthfamilies. We are dedicated to making each individual feel special and to know that no matter what the circumstances of their birth or adoption that their desire to search and their goal can often be accomplished. We are not here to judge anyone.

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